


I was commissioned to do a “Goodbye video card” for employees who were leaving. All of the staff were to be included in the video. I had to figure out a way to get the other staff involved, but not take away from their daily schedule.  


I thought of an Idea that would do just that. The staff members wouldn’t have to leave their offices at all and the shoot would not take up hardly any time at all during the day. I would go to each member’s office, videotape each of them pretending to play piano on their computer keyboard. The time it would take to set up and take down would be 5 minutes and I would shoot 30 seconds of footage. I then would use the piano piece “Linus and Lucy” as the song they were playing with, edited it together and finished the video. 

The result was a success. Staff members were enthusiastic about participating when I pitched the idea to them, showed them video of other staff members trying it out and it showed in their footage. They liked the video when they saw the finished product and were interested If I planned to do a video again the next year. 

This is a farewell Video for parting co-workers Anna, Robert and Eily from the rest of the staff. We lovingly played along to the song “Linus and Lucy” by the Vince Guaraldi Trio in tribute to Anna, Robert and Eily for the time they spent with us.